Avancemos 1: 5.2 Vocabulary
by CarterKJ
to dance
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63 cards
1 | bailar |
to dance |
2 | cantar |
to sing |
3 | celebrar |
to celebrate |
4 | dar una fiesta |
to give a party |
5 | poner las decoraciones |
to put up decorations |
6 | decorar |
to decorate |
7 | la fiesta de sorpresa |
surprise party |
8 | el globo |
balloon |
9 | los invitados |
guests |
10 | invitar a |
to invite someone |
11 | salir |
to leave, to go out |
12 | el secreto |
secret |
13 | venir |
to come |
14 | abrir |
to open |
15 | buscar |
to look for |
16 | el papel de regalo |
wrapping paper |
17 | recibir |
to receive |
18 | envolver |
to wrap |
19 | acabar de |
to have just |
20 | ayudar |
to help |
21 | barrer el suelo |
to sweep the floor |
22 | cocinar |
to cook |
23 | cortar el césped |
to cut the grass |
24 | darle de comer al perro |
to feed the dog |
25 | deber |
should, ought |
26 | hacer la cama |
to make the bed |
27 | lavar los platos |
to wash the dishes |
28 | limpiar la cocina |
to clean the kitchen |
29 | pasar la aspiradora |
to vacuum |
30 | planchar la ropa |
to iron the clothes |
31 | poner la mesa |
to set the table |
32 | los quehaceres |
chores |
33 | sacar la basura |
to take out the trash |
34 | estar sucio(a) |
to be dirty |
35 | estar limpio(a) |
to be clean |
36 | decir |
to say, to tell |
37 | hay que (+ infinitive verb) |
one has to, one must (do) |
38 | poner |
to put, to place, to set |
39 | todavía |
still; yet |
40 | ya |
already |
41 | quitar la mesa |
clear the table |
42 | el estipendio |
allowance |
43 | traer |
to bring |
44 | el confeti |
confetti |
45 | el aniversario |
anniversary |
46 | sorprender |
to suprise |
47 | el día festivo |
holiday |
48 | el ponche |
punch |
49 | los juegos |
games |
50 | los premios |
prizes |
51 | la tarjeta de cumpleaños |
birthday card |
52 | la tarjeta de regalo |
gift cart |
53 | el certificado de regalo |
gift certificate |
54 | el regalo |
gift |
55 | la graduación |
graduation |
56 | la Navidad |
Christmas |
57 | la Pascua |
Easter |
58 | el Ramadán |
Ramadan |
59 | Rosh Hashaná |
Jewish New Year |
60 | la Jánuca |
Hannakah |
61 | la Nochevieja |
New Year's Eve |
62 | el día de Año Nuevo |
New Year's Day |
63 | Si |
if |